Thumb Stopping Content: The Key to Business Success in 2024 (Copy)

As we move throught the new year, one trend that businesses must pay attention to is the rise of "thumb stopping content."

This is a phrase that I like to think i coined… Although i’m sure i borrowed from someone much more talented than myself! This refers to short form video and short form ads that are designed to quickly capture the attention of viewers, and stop them in their tracks. BUT one thing i dislike is to just ‘talk’ about something arbitrarily. So how about we show you…

We wanted to natively add cretaive ads into our customers feeds. in a way that grabs their attention and gets them to engage with the content to help boost the companies postion in news feeds. Convert eyeballs into dollars and bring our overall engagement higher. We call this ‘Thumbstopping content’

Like this pice for Cause+Medic.

It can be fast and higher energy. Or subtle and calming depending on the consumer. Like this piece for

But We have a favorite style. Making it unique and exciting always is a good bet!

When advertsiing for CBD brands on facebook. Youb often cant show the phsycisal porduct. so TEASING you end user is a fun way to promote the brand while adding a bit of mystery for them.

In the world of digital marketing, grabbing the attention of potential customers is crucial. That's where the term "thumb stopping content" comes into play. It refers to content that is so compelling and engaging, it causes a person scrolling on their phone to stop and take notice. One great way of doing that is to create a sense of curiosity like the one we created for W*nders brand!

The KISS method.

Keep It Simple Stupid! Short-form ads, such as those on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat, are a prime example of thumb stopping content. These ads are quick, visually appealing, and to-the-point, making them a powerful tool for reaching and retaining the attention of audiences.

To sum it up, thumb stopping content is a must for any effective marketing strategy. It's what separates mediocre marketing from great marketing. By focusing on creating engaging, creative content, you can capture the attention of your target audience and drive real results for your business.